Sustainable Cultural Management

Sustainable Cultural Management

Sustainable Cultural Management
International Intensive Summer Course
6 – 10 June 2016
Open call for applications
(deadline: 15 March 2016)
We are very happy to announce the first International Intensive Summer Course on
Sustainable Cultural Management
This intensive course is designed to share the environmental best practice identified by and for the performing arts and to explore what actions can be taken to become more ecological in the way we govern cultural organisations, manage buildings, create and tour productions, collaborate with partners, and engage with audiences.
Experts from across Europe and the world will share their experience and best practice, and participants will come away with new skills and perspectives to manage their work effectively in the context of environmental sustainability and climate change.
The course is organised by
the network representing some of the most influential national theatres and theatre institutions in Europe (
Julies’ Bicycle
the UK based, leading global charity, bridging the gap between environmental sustainability and the creative industries (
and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (School of Mechanical Engineering)
The summer course will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, during the week 6-10 June 2016.
For more information and in order to apply, please visit our website:
If you wish to contact the organisers:
Associate partners:
Heinrich Boell Stiftung Greece, Goethe Institut Thessaloniki, Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts – USA,
Laznia Nowa Theatre – Krakow, Thessaloniki Concert Hall.
Please feel free to communicate this call for application to your colleagues and associates.
Iphigenia Taxopoulou
General Secretary