6th Silent Film Festival with live musical accompaniment – Tribute: City Symphonies | From Tue. 16th until Fri. 26th of June 2015 | Daily, at 21:00 | [Free Entry]
Tuesday 16th until Friday 26th of June 2015
Daily at 21:00
6th Silent Film Festival
Accompanied by live music
Artistic Director: Alexandros Mouzas
Michael Cacoyannis Foundation
Free entrance
Seats must be reserved
For the 6th year running, the Silent Film Festival, which is being organized by the Michael Cacoyannis Foundation, becomes a meeting point of the history of the 7th art with the present. In the cinema hall of the Michael Cacoyannis Foundation, once again, Michael Cacoyannis love for the origins of the art he served with such passion and the artistic value of these silent masterpieces are met by hundreds of cinephile.
At this 6th Festival, from the 16th until the 26th of June 2015, the leading roles are taken by Cities and Music! Entitled CITY SYMPHONIES and under the art direction of Alexandros Mouzas, the films take the audience to Berlin of 1927, Paris, New York and Tokyo accompanied and guided by musical compositions by 12 different artists.
This year, whats more, a concert has been arranged with the Ergon Ensemble and the conductor, Miltos Logiadis, with the works of the following:
- Hanns Eisler: 14 ways to describe Rain which will accompany the screening of the film Regen (1931)
- Giannis Kyriakidis (Piece request ERGON 2013) which will accompany the screening of Erik Saties film Anémic Cinéma.
- Cinema: Entracte symphonique du ballet Relâche pour le film de René Clair Entracte (in a new orchestration especially for the concert), which will accompany the screening of the film Etracte.
- Alexandros Mouzas (piece request ERGON 2013), which will accompany the screening of the film Un Chien Andalou.
And so we have it; silent films from the 1920s and CITY SYMPHONIES, with 20 poetic and experimental films which are trying to capture the aura of each city in a rich and unique tribute.
In cooperation with the STUDIO Parallilo Kykloma and Christos Papadimitriou.
- Tuesday, 16th June 2015
Berlin: Symphony of a Great City (1927) (72) – Walter Ruttmann
Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Grosstadt (original title)
Christos Sakellaridis, piano
Constantinos Skourlis, electronics
- Wednesday, 17th June 2015
Metropolis (1927) (120) – Fritz Lang
(Original Music)
with Greek subtitles
- Thursday, 18th June 2015
The Crowd (1928) (103) King Vidor
with Greek subtitles
Music Composition: Anna Mouzaki
Anna Mouzaki, electronics
Nikos Kodonas, electric guitar improvisation
Paulina Katsi, piano improvisation
- Friday, 19th June 2015
City Lights (1931) (87) Charlie Chaplin (Original Music)
with Greek subtitles
- Saturday, 20th June 2015
People on Sunday (1930)
Menschen am Sonntag (original title) (73)
with english subtitles
Music Composition: Giorgos Grigorakos – Dimitris Chatzikonstantinou
Giorgos Grigorakos, Laptop, live electronics
Dimitris Hadjikonstantinou, synthesizers
Anastasia Eden,vocals
- Sunday, 21st June 2015
Part 1
Nothing But Time (1926) Alberto Cavalvanti
Rien que les heures (original title) (46)
with english subtitles
Music Composition: Leonidas Kanaris
Daphne Panourgia (Vocals)
Sokratis Stathoulopoulos (violin)
Tasos Misyrlis (cello)
Eleni Stoyanni (piano)
Part 2
- At 3:25 (1924) René Clair
Paris qui dort (original title) (35)
with greek subtitles
Music Composition: Dimitris Makris
Piu Mosso Quartet
Aggeliki Potiri (violin)
Irene Mpilini – Moraitou (violin)
Eleni Liggri (viola)
Kiara Lonstantinou (cello)
Stefanos Pappas (guitar)
Dimitris Makris (guitar)
- Monday, 22nd June 2015
Supported by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation
Conductor: Miltos Logiadis
- Regen (1931) (14)
Direction: Joris Ivens, Mannus Franken
Music: Hanns Eisler, Vierzehn Arten den Regen zu beschreiben, op.70 (1941) (Fourteen ways to describe Rain)
- Anémic Cinéma (1926) (8)
Direction: Marcel Duchamp
with english subtitles
Music: Giannis Kyriakidis (piece request ERGON-2013)
- Entracte (1924) (19)
Direction: René Clair
Script: Francis Picabia, René Clair
Music: Erik Satie, Cinema: Entracte symphonique du ballet Relâche pour film de René Clair Entracte (in a new orchestration especially for the concert)
- Un Chien Andalou (Andalusian Dog) (1929) (17)
Direction: Luis Buňuel
Script: Luis Buňuel, Salvador Dalí
with english subtitles
Music: Alexandros Mouzas (piece request ERGON-2013)
Participating Musicians:
Nikos Nikopoulos, flute
Costas Tzekos, clarinet
Babis Taliadouros, percussion
Stefanos Nasos, piano
Christos Sakellaridis, piano
Costas Panagiotidis, violin
Panagiotis Tziotis, violin
Aggela Giannaki, viola
Dimitris Travlos, cello
Nikos Tsoukalas, bass
- Tuesday, 23rd June 2015
Part 1
– Montparnasse (1929) (15)
Direction: Eugene Deslaw
– Impressionen vom alten marseiller hafen (vieux port) (1929) (10.30)
Direction: Lazlo Moholy-Nagy
– À Propos de Nice (1930)
À Propos de Nice (original title) (23′)
Direction: Jean Vigo
Music Composition: Costas Kosmas
Participating Musicians (Banda del Sol):
Frangiskos Kontorousis – Conductor
Katerina Andonopoulou – French horn
Nikos Goumas – Clarinet
Alexandros Theodorakopoulos – baritone saxophone
Vaggelis Vlachos – Trumpet
Dimitris Malakasis – euphonium
Spiros Marinis – bass clarinet
Sofia Mantakidou – Alto saxophone
Panagiotis Margiolis, Ermioni Staraka – Percussion
Lambis Mitsiakis – Trombone
Giorgos Panousakis – Oboe
Vasilis Tzokas – Tenor Saxophone
Grigoris Felekidis – Tuba
Stella Hadjopoulou – Flute
Zinovia Fragkaki – bassoon
Guest appearance:
Georgia Balabini – Soprano
Part 2
– A Bronx Morning (1931) (11)
Direction: Jay Leyda
– Manhatta (1921) (11)
Direction: Charles Sheeler, Paul Strand
with english subtitles
– Twenty-Four Dollar Island (1927)
Direction: Robert Flaherty
with english subtitles
Music Composition: Andreas Zafeiropoulos
Andreas Zafeiropuolos, piano
- Wednesday, 24th June 2015
Tokyo Chorus (1931) Yasusisro Ozu
Tôkyô no kôrasu (original title)(90)
Music Composition: Spiros Deligiannopoulos
Spiros Deligiannopoulos, piano
- Thursday, 25th June 2015
City Girl (1930) (Murnau) (88)
with english subtitles
T.I.M.E. (The Improvisation Modal Ensemble)
Marietta Tsakmakli
Margarita Lambou
Leonidas Papadomanolakis
Alexandros Dimitropoulos
Vasiliki Poulou
Giorgos Malefakis
- Friday, 26th June 2015
Man with a Movie Camera (1929)
Chelovek s kino-apparatom (original title) (70)
with english subtitles
Music Composition: Alexandros Mouzas
Alexandros Mousas: electronics
Tuesday 16th until Friday 26th of June 2015, daily at 21:00
6th Silent Film Festival
Accompanied by live music
Artistic Director: Alexandros Mouzas
The Michael Cacoyannis Foundation
Hall: Cinema
All of the screenings start at: 21:00
Free Entrance
Seats must be reserved: Tel: 210.34 18 579, Mon-Fri 11:00-14:00

